Finding the willpower and discipline to see something through doesn’t happen from the neck up and between your ears. It starts in your heart and gut. We humans are feelings-based creatures.
We don’t reach for the junk food instead of the salad because we’re lazy or don’t care about our health. We do it because eating those fries feels so damn good and the salad feels like eating rabbit food. But once we start to associate that salad with higher energy, a healthier body and no more sugar crashes? Get me those greens, stat!
Choose It! Six Pillars For Consistency and Follow-Through is packed with practical tips and exercises to build your follow-through muscles from wet noodle to man of steel.
Drawing on my work with hundreds of clients as a therapist and coach, I’ve put together a guide on how to strengthen six core areas of your life and build real will power based on feeling and drive, not ideas and “one days.”
By the time you finish Choose It: Six Pillars For Consistency and Follow-Through you'll have all the tools you need to:
GET 20/20 VISION about what you really want from life - without waiting for hindsight to kick in
GO ALL-IN ON NEW PROJECTS with no doubt because you trust your ability to see them through
SAY GOODBYE TO THE FRUSTRATION of half-finished goals and hello to consistent achievements
BECOME A FOLLOW-THROUGH CHAMPION thanks to proven psychology-backed techniques

Everything you'll read between these pages is tried and tested throughout my years of practice.
These techniques have worked time and time again for my clients - and now you have access to them. In Choose It! Six Pillars For Consistency and Follow-Through, you’ll learn how to:

Choose targets that feel exciting on a gut level - no more self doubt or looking to others for approval

Create your dream support network - and why every team needs a fan, a critic, a sidekick and a mentor

Develop a personal priority map that uses your passions and interests to keep you motivated

Identify where your beliefs are coloring your view of the world in a way that makes it hard for you to succeed - and what to do about it

Set goals in a specific, measurable, strategic way that multiplies your chances of success

Use your long-lost capacity for celebration to train your brain to associate accomplishment with positive feelings